Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Less is more

I heard recently about the ongoing issue within The House about the need for federal budget cuts. Just today, I found a good article on the NY Times website that really fueled my interest on this topic. In a nut shell, it said that due to our nation's lack of money, federal spending needs to decrease and soon. Majority of the Republican Reps are behind the $61 billion cuts while President Obama sees it fit to take the "message to the American People". The argument is now becoming heated over the fact that the Republicans have aimed the cuts at the new health care program while President Obama and other followers would rather find another way to cut spending and help the nation as a whole. I found the article interesting in that I feel like I got a little bit of both sides to the argument in it. Kind of like a ‘he said, she said’ scenario. The Republicans said this so Obama said that. I’m interested to see how it turns out in two weeks.

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