Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I am sure that everyone reading this has heard of Guantanamo Bay. In the slim chance that someone hasn’t, it is the United States prison for people whom they think are possible terrorists or a huge threat to our country. There is talk that American’s torture the inmates there while attempting to get answers. Whether or not that is true, I personally find the prison to be a beneficial thing to the American people. An editorial writer for the NY Times and I have different views. I read this anonymous piece that was written from his perspective. He referred to the Bush Administration as being “tortuous and abusive” because of the decision to keep the camp up and running. The writer feels that the prison is a symbol of Congress’ “spinelessness”. As you may have already assumed, he speaks strongly of how badly the camp should be shut down and that occupying inmates of Guantanamo Bay should either be tried in the United States or shipped off to other countries to be dealt with. I could not disagree more with him. The whole point of the war after 9/11 was to keep further terrorist attacks from occurring on American soil and hurt our people even more. If Guantanamo Bay was to shut down and the inmates moved to the high-risk prison in Kansas, as is planned in the event of closure, how will the people there feel about allowing their children out to play? What is the point of bringing those terrorists into ours lands when the whole idea of this war we are in is drawn from the hopes of ending terrorism? It’s blasphemy to think this is a good idea. Gitmo is not what many people say it is. Many journalists and doctors have been to the camp to tour it and have all reported back that it is not an abusive place and that it is all very standard in comparison to United States prisons. If there is torturing going on, on the American’s part so be it. We are at war with the Middle East and it is the government’s job to protect its people from further attacks. With that being said, I do not think that Guantanamo Bay should be shut down. In no way did this editorial from the NY Times sway my thought process. If anything, I feel that there was not enough research done to provide an effective argument.

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